Really looking forward to taking part again in the German Education Book Fair Didacta in Cologne. I will be discusssing my work as a writer, my short stories “A Pair of Jeans” being studied in German Gymnasium schools. I will also be giving an interview with Ingrid Stritzelberger infront of German teachers. Also looking forward to meeting Mr Rudolf Rau and his wife Roswitha. Mr Rudolf is my editor and edited previous collections of stories “The many voices of English” and “Ethnic communities in Modern Britain”. Both of which contain my short story ” A pair of Jeans’
Link to the event:
Wednesday, 17.02., 13:00 – 13:30 Uhr
Abiturlektüren Englisch
didacta Köln,
Anregungen und Tipps zum Unterricht mit der Lektüre „Ethnic
Communities in Modern Britain” von/mit der Autorin des Study Guides; Interview mit Qaisra Shahraz, Autorin der in der Lektüre enthaltenen Kurzgeschichte “A Pair of Jeans”.
Referentinnen | Ingrid Stritzelberger, Qaisra Shahraz |
Anfahrt | |
Veranstaltungsort | Kölnmesse, Halle 6 Messegelände 50667 Köln |
The Many Voices of English: An Anthology of Postcolonial Literature
(Diesterwegs Neusprachliche Bibliothek – Englische Abteilung, Band 253)
My Short story “A Pair of Jeans” is included in this collection of short stories
edited by Rudolf Rau: